on class ecology:, the connectivism blog.
another one:
Barbara Ganley (where I got the first one), an ardent advocate of blogging and creative writing.
The first one helps me come to terms with a difficult subject. This term some of my students delved into the subject of violence in Carbondale at Halloween. Coincidentally we also had a great pumpkin-carving, but as a result, the two are combined somewhat in the CESL Today student newspaper I am now formatting & putting into html (should be ready early in the week)...
The problem is, when does this go over the line? As a teacher I'm perfectly capable of leading them to less powerful (& less interesting) subjects...and there are some people here who I'm sure would rather we just put that whole Carbondale-violence thing in the past (as, in fact, we've had relatively peaceful Halloweens for several years now)...I for one as a local am not especially proud of the whole history... but if it makes students more informed about their own's a kind of freedom of speech issue. They chose it themselves. They read the articles word for word...they know stuff now...
And the whole freedom-of-speech issue reminds me of another comment...of a student who couldn't believe that every student has the password to every account in the CESL system...just couldn't believe it.
"the price of freedom is eternal vigilance"... these are things I'm working on developing a little...
also, an article about blogging in academia (trib might require log-in)..., the connectivism blog.
another one:
Barbara Ganley (where I got the first one), an ardent advocate of blogging and creative writing.
The first one helps me come to terms with a difficult subject. This term some of my students delved into the subject of violence in Carbondale at Halloween. Coincidentally we also had a great pumpkin-carving, but as a result, the two are combined somewhat in the CESL Today student newspaper I am now formatting & putting into html (should be ready early in the week)...
The problem is, when does this go over the line? As a teacher I'm perfectly capable of leading them to less powerful (& less interesting) subjects...and there are some people here who I'm sure would rather we just put that whole Carbondale-violence thing in the past (as, in fact, we've had relatively peaceful Halloweens for several years now)...I for one as a local am not especially proud of the whole history... but if it makes students more informed about their own's a kind of freedom of speech issue. They chose it themselves. They read the articles word for word...they know stuff now...
And the whole freedom-of-speech issue reminds me of another comment...of a student who couldn't believe that every student has the password to every account in the CESL system...just couldn't believe it.
"the price of freedom is eternal vigilance"... these are things I'm working on developing a little...
also, an article about blogging in academia (trib might require log-in)...