Friday, February 13, 2015

First glance at GT efforts, 2-13-15

I started with Korean and Spanish (see below), because I know a little of these languages, and can judge where GT has fallen short. There is no question that Korean is incredibly garbled compared to Spanish, and it's aggravated by the fact that of course we want to read anything anyone says about "50 Shades of Gray". But where did GT go wrong? The problem is that the grammar of each language is so different that even the essence of the sentence is lost, and we can no longer use it to anchor our understanding and piece the rest of it together.

By the way I had no intention of making any of this racy, and I don't believe it is, as it is simply Korean daily newspaper fare, an interview with people involved in the making of the movie. If you are intimidated by the fact that the movie is about sex, and you have no clue what these people are saying about it, rest assured: it's like any other movie review, except that it's the actors themselves who (as far as I can figure) are weighing in on its making.

To get back to the translations: this 2015 translation appears to be better than a 2013 version which could not even separate words so well and which also had wide swaths of incomprehensible blabber. This 2015 interview is still virtually incomprehensible, although I find that if I read it several times I begin to make sense of it. The ironic thing is that I believe the actors answered the original questions in English, but the reporters put the story in Korean; that, when re-translated back to English, is already so far from where you can make sense of it, that it would be virtually useless to an English learner.

The second Korean article I find is better than the first, more comprehensible in general, but to really understand the article, it all comes down to a single sentence that would explain what kind of deal these airlines had. And, unfortunately, GT messed up that key sentence.

By the way I took one terrible sentence: "Delicate and has a reputation as a seductive expression female director Sam Taylor Johnson while I take on production expectations increased further" - and I pasted it into a Ginger Software window; it couldn't find any grammatical or spelling errors. It obviously wasn't checking to make sure it made sense, or was constructed in any kind of standard way. It suggests to me that asking machines to look at a sentence globally for some kind of overall understanding is too much. They're ok at a word level. If you can use the words to put it together (which you can, after about four readings) - then you begin to be able to use GT to read Korean newspapers. I would not use GT to construct English sentences, though. If our students are doing that, then, somebody is sending them back to "Go"....(so to speak)

Korean article (2) GT version, 2-13-15

Fifty Shades of Grey' Jamie Dornan & SD Jones

"Porn of mothers (Mommy-Porn) '. Said gotta published 2012 novel of the selling points to more than 100 million portion of the EL James 'Fifty Shades of Grey' in the world. Write a female writer, the reader is also the nickname attached many women. Valentine's Day and aimed at the opening of the movie "Fifty Shades of Grey (50 Shades of Grey) 'was the original novel. Women writers wrote as an unconventional Sepulcher win outright and famous novels, hot ssolryeotda early interest in representation and level of the movie based on it. Delicate and has a reputation as a seductive expression female director Sam Taylor Johnson while I take on production expectations increased further. The two actors male and female protagonists Christian Grey and Anastasia Jamie Dornan that play a role (33) and Dakota Jones (26) to the attention of moviegoers focused as a matter of course. Last month, I met two people at a press conference held in West Hollywood.

Kyŏng-min Yi reporters

Jamie Dornan

- Leaves the things off at any point of the character.

"Christian is a person is a kind of gray fantasy. People with forms that are so much older in twenty-seven, I have never met or even life. The same is true wonders that can reach close to that figure is superhero In me, because to understand reality, Although difficult to shave, try navigating such a person also came to feel that would be fun. "

- Jeongsasin shooting with counterparts in Dakota Johnson How was.

"Fortunately, most of gallantry scene took shots at the end. The virtue in a set time each day the yen was familiar enough to be comfortable conditions laugh with each other. In trust each other not an easy situation to be photographed naked all the clothes in a strange place is really important, this time been able to make the smoke flows naturally gained confidence thanks safely. "

- Novel is 'porn of mothers (Mommy-Porn)' was called called.

"Just an expression of cynical people. We want to create a work and is expressed in the distance, but, so if you want to call it that their freedom. We tried to make a love story. Meet the men and women that can not be done in different circumstances need each other, and the process is going to change in line to the other. in this respect, the story is very classic love story that reflects the world of Shakespeare. of course, sex in a certain way that an important part of the story is true, but It occupies a large part of the action and the relationship between the two main characters, only one material essential to the narrative. "

- BDSM Were piece that appeared in the movie are familiar with (Acts Masochism, sadistic sex).

"Not at all.'re Laughing all the time and learned a lot of movies. The torture that was separate advice about BDSM, he may observe to enjoy with your partner in your own space. I enjoyed it, but is that why they like it that way Fair enough. Not even a crime, bad road is not no. people think, as uncovered by (author of the novel) James is like a dirty secret, but she just did just that spotlights that already exists. "

- Can this film appeal to male audiences.

"Perhaps the most female audience wonder if taking a husband or boyfriend, but the men themselves go to the theater to see rare thing, a woman maneuni hear men speak pretty well says: Have yet to see the movie together when I get home, the map did not give even one girl you do not know it is a gift idea (laughs). "

Dakota Johnson

- Is there any hesitation decided before the show.

"Although a little hesitant, but the character is strongly attracted to suffer emotional Anastasia journey. Anastasia is very smart and tough, yet a high self-esteem women. Most of the movie in a small, soft-prone only to women being drawn to the smoke blowing humor and strength I wanted a challenge. ordinary women with sexual messages to wake up to find their sensual side is not this also liked never to be ashamed of. Women are meant to test the limits set Seeing enjoy the right to self-body and beauty I felt. "

- From the author to the director, the film made women to lead.

"Women are certainly seems superior to figure out the subtle feeling crushed in the base of the sexual story simply sex god only continue if the film showed how boring haetgetna. Author James, who wrote the screenplay Kelly, director Sam all original found in novels that had attracted fans to pull out something that wonderfully. both men and women hot love, the relationship between a subtle change to the process succeeded in maximizing the fun with. "

- The process of digesting the various jeongsasin did himdeuljin.

"It was not an easy task at first, of course awkward and embarrassing and scary. Roam naked in front of people you do not know is not always useless work, but that the director made a number of possible maven feel comfortable and secure environment with the help of anxiety the renowned could concentrate on thinking I need to complete the artistic scene. gray to write the scene but all the rest of the band to fit the belt directly digested. "

- The cadastral map of "high-quality soft-core porn" for a film.

"That is not even worried. Oh, definitely at that point directors and cinematographers are confident yirwotdago an amazing accomplishment. God does not at all the sex in the movie" The chance to see sneak peek feeling. Sex is a very personal understanding of behavior based on this virtue, that some scenes are dirty or uncomfortable idea that did not complete lift. also very elegant variety of sex god how we put the camera, elegant, and beautiful. "

[Mini Review] sensual than it seemed childish ... But the ball with bath

Although yahada right. Cedar is also exposed to the strength of both men and women protagonists. Starting with the tie cuffs and belt, and fun to look in full the 'play room' Christian Grey in various whip. But's it. Christian and Anastasia movie more exciting and thrilling to haejyeoya gamyeo explore and meet each other's sexual desire becomes loose and gets boring somehow. Also evoke a secret interest in sadistic sexual behavior was totally unsuccessful.

The problem lies in attracting and usual settings and ambassador to shrink their hands and feet look. Korea ardent drama Cinderella and more serious metabolic tuk broken without context romance Ginny followed the structure of the Prince Charming, a resilient and moan, I still would not be far enough seats In just sounds like a prey and derision that giggle stand is full of pathetic.

R-rated in the beating of age audience to see the movie is "I do not love Me," "Where now replaced're from?" What is impossible to become serious front lines.

Jeomchyeo look at whether or not the box office? There they can lead the balgil audiences 'viewing with bath' is enough. Deda original fame (or infamy) is so high, "alternative like friggin 'which seems to be no shortage hagien curiosity.


Korean article (2), 2-13-15

'그레이의 50가지 그림자' 제이미 도넌&다코타 존스

'엄마들의 포르노(Mommy-Porn)'. 2012년 출간돼 전 세계에서 1억 부 이상 판매된 E.L 제임스의 소설 '그레이의 50가지 그림자'를 가리키는 말이다. 여성 작가가 쓰고, 독자들 또한 여성들이 많아 붙여진 별명이다. 밸런타인스 데이를 겨냥하고 개봉하는 영화 '그레이의 50가지 그림자(50 Shades of Grey)'는 이 소설을 원작으로 했다. 여성 작가가 쓴 노골적이고 파격적 성묘사로 유명한 소설인 만큼, 이를 토대로 한 영화의 표현 방식과 수위에도 일찍부터 뜨거운 관심이 쏠렸다. 섬세하고 매혹적인 표현으로 정평이 난 여성 감독 샘 테일러 존슨이 연출을 맡으면서 기대감은 더욱 높아졌다. 남녀 주인공 크리스천 그레이와 아나스타시아 역을 맡게 된 두 배우 제이미 도넌(33)과 다코타 존스(26)에게 영화 팬의 이목이 집중된 것은 물론이다. 지난달 웨스트 할리우드에서 열린 기자 간담회에서 두 사람을 만났다.

이경민 기자

제이미 도넌

-캐릭터의 어떤 점에 끌렸나.

"크리스천 그레이란 인물은 일종의 판타지다. 나이 스물일곱에 그처럼 많은 것을 이루고 가진 사람은, 나조차도 살면서 만나본 적이 없다. 불가사의하고 가까이 다가갈 수 없는 인물이란 점에선 수퍼 히어로나 마찬가지다. 때문에 현실적으로 이해하기 어려운 면도 있었지만, 그런 인물을 탐색해보는 것도 재미있겠다는 생각이 들었다."

-상대역인 다코타 존슨과의 정사신 촬영은 어땠나.

"다행스럽게도 정사 장면 대부분은 촬영 후반부에 찍었다. 세트에서 매일 본 덕에 그 무렵엔 서로 편하게 웃을 수 있을 정도로 친해진 상태였다. 낯선 곳에서 옷을 모두 벗은 채 촬영을 해야 하는 쉽지 않은 상황에선 서로 간의 신뢰가 정말 중요한데, 시간이 흐르며 자연스럽게 쌓은 신뢰 덕에 무사히 연기를 해낼 수 있었다."

-원작 소설이 '엄마들의 포르노(Mommy-Porn)'라고도 불렸다.

"냉소적인 사람들의 표현일 뿐이다. 우리가 만들려 한 작품과는 거리가 있는 표현이지만, 그렇게 부르고 싶다면 그건 그들의 자유다. 우린 러브 스토리를 만들려고 노력했다. 서로 다른 처지에 있어 이루어질 수 없는 남녀가 만나 서로 필요로 하며 상대방에게 맞춰가고 변화해가는 과정이다. 이런 점에서 이 이야기는 셰익스피어 작품의 세계관이 반영된 아주 고전적인 사랑 이야기다. 물론 특정한 방식의 섹스가 이야기의 중요한 부분을 차지하고 있는 것은 사실이다. 하지만 이는 두 주인공의 관계에 큰 부분을 차지하는 행위이자, 이야기 전개에 필수적인 소재일 뿐이다."

-영화 속에 등장하는 BDSM(사도 마조히즘, 가학적 성행위)에 익숙한 편이었나.

"전혀 아니다. 이번에 영화를 찍으면서 많이 배웠다. BDSM에 대한 조언을 해주는 고문이 따로 있었고, 그가 자신의 공간에서 파트너와 즐기는 모습을 관찰하기도 했다. 내가 즐기는 것은 아니지만, 그들이 왜 그런 방식을 좋아하는지는 충분히 이해한다. 범죄도 아니고, 나쁜 짓도 아니지 않나. 사람들은 (소설의 원작자인) 제임스가 마치 더러운 비밀을 밝혀낸 것처럼 생각하지만, 그녀는 그저 이미 존재하는 것을 집중 조명했을 뿐이다."

-이 영화가 남성 관객에게도 어필할 수 있을까.

"아마도 여성 관객들이 남편이나 남자친구를 데려가는 경우가 대부분 아닐까. 남자들이 스스로 극장에 가서 보는 일은 드물겠지만, 여자 말을 잘 듣는 남자들도 꽤 많으니 말이다. 혹시 또 이 영화를 함께 보고 집에 가면, 여자가 생각지도 못한 선물을 해 줄지도 모를 일이고(웃음)."

다코타 존슨

-출연을 결심하기까지 망설임은 없었나.

"약간 주저하긴 했지만 아나스타시아 캐릭터가 겪는 감정적 여정에 강하게 끌렸다. 아나스타시아는 아주 똑똑하고 강인하면서도 자존감이 높은 여성이다. 대부분의 영화에서 작고 연약하게만 그려지기 일쑤인 여성에게 유머와 힘을 불어넣는 연기에 도전해보고 싶었다. 평범한 여성이 성적으로 깨어나 자신의 관능적인 면을 발견하는 게 결코 부끄러워할 일이 아니라는 메시지도 마음에 들었다. 여성이 자기 몸에 대한 권리를 누리며 그 한계를 시험해 본다는 설정도 의미 있고 아름답게 느껴졌다."

-원작자부터 감독까지, 여성이 주도해 만든 영화다.

"확실히 여성은 섹슈얼한 이야기의 저변에 깔린 미묘한 감정을 잡아내는데 탁월한 듯 하다. 단순히 섹스신만 계속해서 보여줬다면 영화가 얼마나 지루했겠나. 원작자인 제임스, 각본을 쓴 켈리, 감독인 샘 모두가 원작의 팬들을 매료시켰던 소설 속 그 무언가를 훌륭히 끄집어냈다. 두 남녀 사이의 뜨거운 사랑과 그 관계가 미묘하게 변화해가는 과정이 지닌 재미를 극대화시키는데 성공했다."

-다양한 정사신을 소화하는 과정이 힘들진 않았나.

"쉬운 일은 아니었다. 처음에는 당연히 어색하고 창피하고 무서웠다. 잘 모르는 사람들 앞에서 벗고 돌아다닌다는 것은 언제나 편치 않은 일이다. 하지만 감독이 최대한 편안하고 보호받는다는 느낌이 들 수 있는 환경을 만들어 줬다. 덕분에 불안감을 떨치고 예술적인 장면을 완성해내야겠다는 생각에만 집중할 수 있었다. 그레이에게 벨트로 맞는 장면만 대역을 쓰고 나머지는 모두 직접 소화했다."

-영화에 대해 '질 높은 소프트코어 포르노'라는 지적도 있는데.

"그런 걱정은 안 해도 된다. 그 점에 있어선 감독과 촬영감독이 놀라운 성취를 이뤘다고 자신한다. 영화 속 섹스신은 '우연히 몰래 훔쳐보게 된 듯한 느낌'을 조금도 주지 않는다. 섹스는 지극히 사적인 행위라는 이해가 바탕이 된 덕에, 그 어떤 장면도 더럽거나 불편하다는 생각이 들지 않게 완성해냈다. 다양한 섹스신을 카메라에 담아낸 방식도 지극히 우아하고, 격조 있고, 아름답다."

[Mini Review] 관능적이기 보단 유치…그래도 욕하면서 볼 듯

야하긴 야하다. 남녀 주인공 모두의 노출 강도도 세다. 넥타이부터 시작해 수갑과 벨트, 각종 채찍들로 가득 차 있는 크리스천 그레이의 '플레이룸'을 들여다보는 재미도 있다. 하지만 거기까지다. 크리스천과 아나스타시아가 서로의 성적 욕구를 탐구하고 맞춰가며 더 자극적이고 짜릿해져야 할 영화는 갈수록 어딘지 느슨하고 지루해진다. 가학적 성행위에 대한 은밀한 흥미를 불러일으키는 데도 완전히 실패했다.

문제는 보는 이들의 손발을 오그라들게 하는 유치하고 상투적인 설정과 대사에 있다. 한국 막장 드라마보다 심각한 신데렐라와 백마 탄 왕자의 로맨스 구조에 맥락없이 툭툭 끊어지는 대사가 이어지니, 탄성과 신음 소리가 나도 시원치 않을 객석에선 낄낄대는 비웃음과 한심하다는 듯한 피식 소리만이 가득하다.

R등급인 이 영화를 볼 수 있는 나이의 관객들 치고 "나는 사랑따윈 하지 않아" "대체 어디있다 지금 나타난거지?"하는 대사 앞에서 진지해지기란 불가능한 일이다.

흥행 여부를 점쳐 본다면? '욕하면서 보는' 관객들의 발길이 이어지기에는 충분하다. 원작의 명성(혹은 악명)이 워낙 높은데다, '대체 어떻길래'하는 호기심을 자극하기엔 부족함이 없어 보인다.

GT translated from Korean, article 2-13-15

"Incheon on my way home is more spacious and convenient."

American Airlines and Korean Air from April 1, the two governments announced that the conditions applied in Incheon to start codeshare routes to Dallas.

The codeshare partnership is a certain type of seat that achieves the selling Flight zoom effect to its flight number of the partner airline.

The Incheon to Dallas this week codeshare routes depending on the 7th of American Airlines, Korean Air flights five times a week will increase the addition circuit 12 weeks. Dallas is currently implemented, flying through the 11 US cities, including Chicago, American Airlines Korean Air's reservation line connecting the entire city in the Americas to flying, it is also more convenient ticketing.

In addition, Sky Pass members Incheon - Dallas codeshare routes and the same route is American Airlines Flight Mileage is possible even on board.

Korean Air's Incheon period is arrived at DFW Airport in Dallas, 9:00 a.m. to start the Incheon International Airport at 10:00 am and go when you arrive at Incheon International Airport at 5:00 pm the next day, starting with 24:10 at DFW Airport .

In the case of American Airlines arrives at DFW Airport at 5:00 pm departing from Incheon International Airport and 15 minutes to 16:15 and, DFW Airport, arriving at Incheon International Airport at 15:15 the next day, starting with 10:40 a.m. is in a schedule.

Korean article, 2-13-15

“고국 인천가는 길이 한층 더 넓고 편리해집니다.”

대한항공이 아메리칸항공과 4월 1일부터 양국 정부 인가 조건으로 인천~달라스 노선의 공동운항을 시작한다고 알렸다.

공동운항이란 상대 항공사의 일정 좌석을 자사의 항공편명으로 판매해 운항편 확대 효과를 거두는 제휴 형태다.

이번 공동운항에 따라 인천~달라스 노선은 대한항공 주 5회에 아메리칸항공의 주 7회 운항이 더해져 주 12회로 늘어나게 된다. 현재 시행 중인 달라스, 시카고를 포함한 대한항공의 미국 내 11개 취항 도시를 거쳐 아메리칸항공이 취항하는 미주 내 전 도시행 연결편의 예약, 발권도 보다 편리해진다.

또한 스카이패스 회원은 인천-달라스 노선 공동운항편 및 동일 노선 아메리칸항공 운항편 탑승 시에도 마일리지 적립이 가능해진다.

대한항공의 인천-달라스 구간은 오전 10시에 인천공항을 출발해 오전 9시에 DFW 공항에 도착하고, 갈 때는 DFW 공항에서 오후 12시10분에 출발해 다음날 오후 5시에 인천공항에 도착한다.

아메리칸항공의 경우는 오후 5시15분에 인천공항을 출발해 오후 4시15분에 DFW 공항에 도착하고, DFW 공항에서는 오전 10시40분에 출발해 다음날 오후 3시15분에 인천공항에 도착하는 스케줄로 되어 있다.

TESOL presentation

I will be presenting at the TESOL International 2015 Electronic Village Classics in Toronto. 
Presentation Title: For Better or Worse: Grammar technology and the language learner
Presentation Description: This presentation shows the technology that students are using to learn and write, so that practitioners can adjust accordingly
Day and Time: Friday, March 27 2:30-3:20 PM
Computer Station: MAC 4
All invited!

GT translation of Spanish article (2), 2-13-15

The degree of popularity French police hit record highs after the attacks of Paris, where the police were acclaimed by the people for his performance against attacks, according to a survey.

According to a survey by the Institute Odoxa, 84 percent of French people have a good opinion of the police, a percentage ever previously achieved by so-called "angels of peace" in France.

The survey, conducted by a month after the wave of attacks that began last January 7 in Paris and resulted in 17 deaths, revealed that the popularity of the police officers increased 20 points in the last four months.

The latest survey on police popularity in France in October 2014 attributed 64 percent of acceptance among society of European country.

"From the large demonstration in Paris after the attacks, on January 11, people consider their police differently," said police spokesman guild National Union of Autonomous Trade Unions (UNSA by its French acronym), Christophe Crépin .

"It was necessary this shock for French understand that security is priceless, but it has a cost," he added Crépin, member of the French National Police, which has 110,000 agents.

In the attacks in Paris several police elite corps of the National Police and the French Gendarmerie staged two high-risk operations where they fought the terrorists, among which included the taking of a supermarket to free hostages.

According to the poll, published by the weekly L'Express, 86 percent of French people think that the police are brave Gauls, 84 percent believe that defend republican values and 69 percent believe they are effective.

The survey was conducted on 5 and 6 February issues raised by online among a representative sample of one thousand eight French elected by the quota method.
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Spanish article (2), 2-13-15

El grado de popularidad de la policía francesa alcanzó su récord histórico luego de los atentados de París, en los que las fuerzas del orden fueron aclamadas por la población por su actuación frente a los ataques, reveló un sondeo.

De acuerdo con una encuesta del instituto Odoxa, el 84 por ciento de los franceses tiene una buena opinión de su policía, un porcentaje jamás alcanzado previamente por los denominados “ángeles de la paz” en Francia.

El sondeo, realizado al cumplirse un mes de la oleada de atentados que comenzó el pasado 7 de enero en París y se saldó con 17 muertos, reveló que la popularidad de los agentes de policía aumentó 20 puntos en los últimos cuatro meses.

El último sondeo realizado sobre la popularidad policial en Francia en octubre de 2014 le atribuía un 64 por ciento de aceptación entre la sociedad del país europeo.

“Desde la gran manifestación de París luego de los atentados, el 11 de enero, la gente considera a su policía de manera diferente”, declaró el vocero del gremio policial Unión nacional de sindicatos Autónomos (UNSA por sus siglas en francés), Christophe Crépin.

“Fue necesario este shock para que los franceses comprendan que la seguridad no tiene precio, pero que tiene un costo”, agregó Crépin, miembro de la Policía Nacional francesa, que cuenta con 110 mil agentes.

En los atentados de París varios agentes de cuerpos de elite de la Policía Nacional y de la Gendarmería francesa protagonizaron dos operaciones de alto riesgo en las que enfrentaron a los terroristas, entre las que figuró la toma de un supermercado para liberar rehenes.

Según el sondeo, publicado por el semanario L’Express, 86 por ciento de los franceses considera que los policías galos son valientes, 84 por ciento creen que defienden los valores republicanos y 69 por ciento estiman que son eficaces.

La encuesta fue realizada los días 5 y 6 de febrero mediante cuestiones planteadas por internet entre una muestra representativa de mil ocho franceses elegidos por el método de cuotas.
- See more at:

GT translation of Spanish news article 2-13-15

Between April and May the governor Fernando Toranzo Fernández travel to Japan to meet with employers to encourage them to invest in San Luis Potosi.

"We very much welcome the confidence that Japan in our people and our land, and incentives we can offer individual companies. We raised a tour to Japan where we will interview us with entrepreneurs to weigh the options again, "said the governor after the opening of the Nissin Manufacturing plant in the industrial park Satellite City.

He said that at the beginning of the administration were six Japanese companies in San Luis Potosí and now there are 36, which shows the interest of Japanese businessmen to invest in the state.

Expanding on the journey to Japan, Toranzo Fernández said that surely begin when the electoral ban "will be going to talk with Japanese investors to bid the benefits having our land."

On the dynamics of their visit to the country from east said right now his team is currently preparing the way and creating agendas to meet with employers; about when it would be said that probably in April or May.

Moreover, the governor stressed the importance of foreign investment since last year San Luis Potosi was the highest in its history, and today still receives companies from other countries.

"I think San Luis Potosi he holds a very bright future in terms of investment, and obviously all these companies come to consolidate what we have driven since the start of the administration, which is that San Luis is transformed into an automotive cluster and a logistics cluster ".
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Spanish news article 2-13-15

Entre abril y mayo el gobernador Fernando Toranzo Fernández viajará a Japón para entrevistarse con empresarios para incentivarlos a que inviertan en San Luis Potosí.

“Vemos con mucho agrado la confianza que tiene Japón en nuestra gente y en nuestra tierra, y los incentivos que podemos ofertarle a las empresas. Tenemos planteada una gira a Japón donde vamos a entrevistarnos con empresarios para nuevamente ponderar las opciones”, dijo el gobernador luego de la inauguración de la planta Nissin Manufactura en el parque industrial de Ciudad Satélite.

Dijo que al inicio de la administración había seis empresas japonesas en San Luis Potosí y ahora hay 36, lo que demuestra el interés de los empresarios japoneses en invertir en el estado.

Ampliando en torno al viaje a Japón, Toranzo Fernández señaló que seguramente cuando comience la veda electoral “estaremos yendo a platicar con inversionistas japoneses para ofertar las bondades que tiene nuestra tierra”.

Sobre la dinámica de su visita al país de oriente dijo que en estos momentos su equipo de trabajo se encuentra confeccionando la ida y generando las agendas para entrevistarse con los empresarios; sobre cuándo sería dijo que probablemente en abril o mayo.

Por otra parte, el gobernador destacó la importancia de las inversiones extranjeras dado que el año pasado San Luis Potosí tuvo la más alta en su historia, y hoy sigue recibiendo empresas de otros países.

“Creo que a San Luis Potosí le depara un futuro muy halagüeño en cuanto a inversión, y obviamente todas estas empresas vienen a consolidar lo que hemos impulsado desde el inicio de la administración, que es que San Luis se transforme en un clúster automotriz y también un clúster logístico”.
- See more at:
Entre abril y mayo el gobernador Fernando Toranzo Fernández viajará a Japón para entrevistarse con empresarios para incentivarlos a que inviertan en San Luis Potosí.
“Vemos con mucho agrado la confianza que tiene Japón en nuestra gente y en nuestra tierra, y los incentivos que podemos ofertarle a las empresas. Tenemos planteada una gira a Japón donde vamos a entrevistarnos con empresarios para nuevamente ponderar las opciones”, dijo el gobernador luego de la inauguración de la planta Nissin Manufactura en el parque industrial de Ciudad Satélite.
Dijo que al inicio de la administración había seis empresas japonesas en San Luis Potosí y ahora hay 36, lo que demuestra el interés de los empresarios japoneses en invertir en el estado.
Ampliando en torno al viaje a Japón, Toranzo Fernández señaló que seguramente cuando comience la veda electoral “estaremos yendo a platicar con inversionistas japoneses para ofertar las bondades que tiene nuestra tierra”.
Sobre la dinámica de su visita al país de oriente dijo que en estos momentos su equipo de trabajo se encuentra confeccionando la ida y generando las agendas para entrevistarse con los empresarios; sobre cuándo sería dijo que probablemente en abril o mayo.
Por otra parte, el gobernador destacó la importancia de las inversiones extranjeras dado que el año pasado San Luis Potosí tuvo la más alta en su historia, y hoy sigue recibiendo empresas de otros países.
“Creo que a San Luis Potosí le depara un futuro muy halagüeño en cuanto a inversión, y obviamente todas estas empresas vienen a consolidar lo que hemos impulsado desde el inicio de la administración, que es que San Luis se transforme en un clúster automotriz y también un clúster logístico”.
- See more at:
Entre abril y mayo el gobernador Fernando Toranzo Fernández viajará a Japón para entrevistarse con empresarios para incentivarlos a que inviertan en San Luis Potosí.
“Vemos con mucho agrado la confianza que tiene Japón en nuestra gente y en nuestra tierra, y los incentivos que podemos ofertarle a las empresas. Tenemos planteada una gira a Japón donde vamos a entrevistarnos con empresarios para nuevamente ponderar las opciones”, dijo el gobernador luego de la inauguración de la planta Nissin Manufactura en el parque industrial de Ciudad Satélite.
Dijo que al inicio de la administración había seis empresas japonesas en San Luis Potosí y ahora hay 36, lo que demuestra el interés de los empresarios japoneses en invertir en el estado.
Ampliando en torno al viaje a Japón, Toranzo Fernández señaló que seguramente cuando comience la veda electoral “estaremos yendo a platicar con inversionistas japoneses para ofertar las bondades que tiene nuestra tierra”.
Sobre la dinámica de su visita al país de oriente dijo que en estos momentos su equipo de trabajo se encuentra confeccionando la ida y generando las agendas para entrevistarse con los empresarios; sobre cuándo sería dijo que probablemente en abril o mayo.
Por otra parte, el gobernador destacó la importancia de las inversiones extranjeras dado que el año pasado San Luis Potosí tuvo la más alta en su historia, y hoy sigue recibiendo empresas de otros países.
“Creo que a San Luis Potosí le depara un futuro muy halagüeño en cuanto a inversión, y obviamente todas estas empresas vienen a consolidar lo que hemos impulsado desde el inicio de la administración, que es que San Luis se transforme en un clúster automotriz y también un clúster logístico”.
- See more at:
Entre abril y mayo el gobernador Fernando Toranzo Fernández viajará a Japón para entrevistarse con empresarios para incentivarlos a que inviertan en San Luis Potosí.
“Vemos con mucho agrado la confianza que tiene Japón en nuestra gente y en nuestra tierra, y los incentivos que podemos ofertarle a las empresas. Tenemos planteada una gira a Japón donde vamos a entrevistarnos con empresarios para nuevamente ponderar las opciones”, dijo el gobernador luego de la inauguración de la planta Nissin Manufactura en el parque industrial de Ciudad Satélite.
Dijo que al inicio de la administración había seis empresas japonesas en San Luis Potosí y ahora hay 36, lo que demuestra el interés de los empresarios japoneses en invertir en el estado.
Ampliando en torno al viaje a Japón, Toranzo Fernández señaló que seguramente cuando comience la veda electoral “estaremos yendo a platicar con inversionistas japoneses para ofertar las bondades que tiene nuestra tierra”.
Sobre la dinámica de su visita al país de oriente dijo que en estos momentos su equipo de trabajo se encuentra confeccionando la ida y generando las agendas para entrevistarse con los empresarios; sobre cuándo sería dijo que probablemente en abril o mayo.
Por otra parte, el gobernador destacó la importancia de las inversiones extranjeras dado que el año pasado San Luis Potosí tuvo la más alta en su historia, y hoy sigue recibiendo empresas de otros países.
“Creo que a San Luis Potosí le depara un futuro muy halagüeño en cuanto a inversión, y obviamente todas estas empresas vienen a consolidar lo que hemos impulsado desde el inicio de la administración, que es que San Luis se transforme en un clúster automotriz y también un clúster logístico”.
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